How to build a website with HTML and CSS

HTML 101

Introduction to HTML
7 readings
Reading: Basic HTML Page Structure
Reading: DOCTYPE
Reading: Head Element
Reading: Body
Reading: Attributes
Reading: Element Hierarchy
Reading: Proper Indentation

HTML 102

Common HTML Elements for Content and Structure
9 readings
Reading: Introduction to HTML Elements for Content and Structure
Reading: P Element
Reading: Heading Elements
Reading: List elements
Reading: The A Element
Reading: Adding Images
Reading: Line Breaks
Reading: HTML Comments

HTML 104

Semantic Elements
8 readings
Reading: What Are Semantic Elements
Reading: Header
Reading: Nav Element
Reading: Footer
Reading: Article Element
Reading: Aside Element
Reading: Tables
Reading: A complete example of semantic elements in HTML

HTML 105

11 readings
Reading: Label Element
Reading: Input Element
Reading: Range Input
Reading: Checkboxes
Reading: Select Element
Reading: Radio Input
Reading: Datalist Input
Reading: Textarea element
Reading: Submit button
Reading: Form Validation

CSS 101

Introduction to CSS
7 readings
Reading: How to apply CSS to an HTML document
Reading: Basic CSS syntax and selectors
Reading: Advanced css syntax and selectors
Reading: CSS Specificity
Reading: Organizing your CSS for global vs local style
Reading: BEM Method

CSS 102

Styling Content
10 readings
Reading: Formatting HTML text with CSS
Reading: How to style HTML lists with CSS
Reading: Styling HTML Images with CSS
Reading: Position – Sticky
Reading: Z-index
Reading: Display – Block
Reading: Display – Inline
Reading: Display – inline-block
Reading: Float
Reading: Clear

CSS 102

The Box Model
6 readings
Reading: The Box Model
Reading: Box Model Content
Reading: Box Model Padding
Reading: Box Model Border
Reading: Border Techniques
Reading: Box Model Margin


How to use CSS grids
3 readings
Reading: Creating a grid
Reading: Grid gap
Reading: Grid template columns

Creating and Styling HTML Layouts

Putting it all together
9 readings
Reading: Laying out and styling the header
Reading: Laying out and styling an HTML and CSS only Slider
Reading: HTML Content Layouts for a Home page
Reading: HTML Content Layouts for an About page
Reading: HTML Content Layouts for a Services page
Reading: HTML Content Layouts for a Blog page
Reading: HTML Content Layouts for a Contact page
Reading: Laying out and styling the footer
Reading: Putting HTML Elements Together

How to build a website with HTML and CSS

How to build a website with HTML and CSS

Owner of webpopular and Brandon Bass
Webpopular Academy HTML and CSS course

About this course

To build a website with HTML and CSS, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Create an HTML document: An HTML document is the basic structure of a website, and it consists of elements that define the content and layout of the page. You can create an HTML document using a text editor like Notepad, Sublime Text, or VS Code.
  2. Add content to the HTML document: Use HTML elements to add content to the page, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, images, and links.
  3. Style the HTML document using CSS: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to control the appearance of the elements on the page. You can use CSS to set the font, color, size, and layout of the elements on the page.
  4. Test and debug the HTML and CSS: Test the HTML and CSS on different devices and browsers to ensure that it is working correctly and looks good on all of them. Use a tool like the browser’s developer console to debug any issues that you encounter.
  5. Publish the website: Once you have completed and tested the website, you can publish it online by uploading the HTML and CSS files to a web server or hosting provider.

Building a website with HTML and CSS requires a basic understanding of the HTML and CSS languages, as well as some practice and patience.

Week 5: Working with layout and positioning

  • Lesson 2: Positioning elements with CSS

Week 6: Styling web pages with CSS

  • Lesson 1: Understanding the cascade and specificity in CSS
  • Lesson 2: Using CSS to style typography, colors, and backgrounds
  • Lesson 3: Responsive design and media queries

Week 7: Putting it all together

  • Lesson 1: Review of all the concepts covered in the course
  • Lesson 2: Building a simple website using HTML and CSS
  • Lesson 3: Tips for debugging and troubleshooting your website

Each lesson will consist of a combination of lectures, demos, and exercises. We will also have guest lectures and hands-on projects to give you real-world experience.

Lesson: Overview of HTML and web development


  • Introduce students to the basics of HTML and web development
  • Provide a hands-on coding exercise to create a basic webpage

Lecture Outline:

  1. Introduction to HTML
  • What is HTML and why is it important for web development?
  • The role of HTML in creating the structure and content of a webpage
  • The difference between HTML and other web technologies (such as JavaScript and CSS)
  1. Getting started with HTML
  • Setting up a development environment
  • Creating an HTML document and basic webpage structure
  • Understanding the basic tags of an HTML document (html, head, body)
  1. Hands-on coding exercise
  • Students will follow a step-by-step guide to create a basic webpage using HTML tags
  • Students will learn how to create headings, paragraphs, lists, and links
  • Students will learn how to include images and videos in their webpage
  1. Next steps
  • Introduction to the next lesson, covering basic HTML elements and adding more complexity to their webpages
  • Discuss the importance of accessibility, semantic structure and search engine optimization


  • Pre-recorded videos that cover the topic, code snippets and examples, and a step-by-step guide for the hands-on coding exercise.
  • The students should have a computer with a web development environment (text editor and web browser)


  • Lecture presentation and video material
  • Hands-on coding exercise
  • Q&A session


  • Students are expected to complete the hands-on coding exercise and submit the resulting webpage.
  • Class participation in Q&A and discussions.

This lesson will provide an overview of what is HTML, how it’s used in web development, how to create a basic webpage using HTML tags, also, they’ll have a hands-on exercise creating a webpage. The students will learn the basics of creating webpages and the importance of accessibility and semantic structure in order to be able to continue building more complex web pages in the next lessons.


An introduction to HTML and CSS

HTML 101 0/7

Introduction to HTML

An intro to and basic structure of HTML.

7 readings
Reading: Basic HTML Page Structure
5 minutes
Reading: DOCTYPE
5 minutes
Reading: Head Element
3 minutes
Reading: Body
5 minutes
Reading: Attributes
10 minutes
Reading: Element Hierarchy
3 minutes
Reading: Proper Indentation

HTML 102 0/9

Common HTML Elements for Content and Structure

General commonly used HTML elements to create content for the body of your HTML document.

9 readings
Reading: Introduction to HTML Elements for Content and Structure
8 minutes
Reading: P Element
Reading: Heading Elements
Reading: List elements
8 minutes
Reading: The A Element
15 minutes
Reading: Adding Images
10 minutes
Reading: Line Breaks
3 minutes
Reading: HTML Comments

HTML 104 0/8

Semantic Elements

A description of some of the major HTML elements and their uses

8 readings
Reading: What Are Semantic Elements
Reading: Header
Reading: Nav Element
Reading: Footer
Reading: Article Element
Reading: Aside Element
Reading: Tables
Reading: A complete example of semantic elements in HTML

HTML 105 0/11


A description of the <form> element and different types of forms that can be created.

11 readings
Reading: Label Element
Reading: Input Element
Reading: Range Input
Reading: Checkboxes
Reading: Select Element
Reading: Radio Input
Reading: Datalist Input
Reading: Textarea element
Reading: Submit button
Reading: Form Validation

CSS 101 0/7

Introduction to CSS

An introduction on using CSS to style and setting up stylesheet.

7 readings
Reading: How to apply CSS to an HTML document
Reading: Basic CSS syntax and selectors
Reading: Advanced css syntax and selectors
Reading: CSS Specificity
Reading: Organizing your CSS for global vs local style
Reading: BEM Method

CSS 102 0/10

Styling Content

10 readings
Reading: Formatting HTML text with CSS
Reading: How to style HTML lists with CSS
Reading: Styling HTML Images with CSS
Reading: Position – Sticky
Reading: Z-index
Reading: Display – Block
Reading: Display – Inline
Reading: Display – inline-block
Reading: Float
Reading: Clear

CSS 102 0/6

The Box Model

A description of The Box Model and how it works.

6 readings
Reading: The Box Model
Reading: Box Model Content
10 minutes
Reading: Box Model Padding
Reading: Box Model Border
Reading: Border Techniques
Reading: Box Model Margin

Grids 0/3

How to use CSS grids

This section breaks down how grids are used in CSS to position elements the in the desired way.

3 readings
Reading: Creating a grid
Reading: Grid gap
Reading: Grid template columns

Creating and Styling HTML Layouts 0/9

Putting it all together

This section describes how HTML flow works and the CSS properties that change it.

9 readings
Reading: Laying out and styling the header
Reading: Laying out and styling an HTML and CSS only Slider
Reading: HTML Content Layouts for a Home page
Reading: HTML Content Layouts for an About page
Reading: HTML Content Layouts for a Services page
Reading: HTML Content Layouts for a Blog page
Reading: HTML Content Layouts for a Contact page
Reading: Laying out and styling the footer
Reading: Putting HTML Elements Together


Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.

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  • Natalie Unkown
    Great Course!

    I loved this course it was very informative!

  • Natalie Unkown
    test bad review

    testing bad review rating


Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.

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  • Natalie Unkown
  • FudG3y_NuGG3tS
  • Justin
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