Mastering NgRx: A Comprehensive Guide to State Management in Angular Applications


10 readings
Reading: Introduction to NgRx and State Management Concepts
Reading: NgRx Store: Creating a Store, Dispatching Actions, and Accessing Data
Reading: Actions and Reducers: Deep Dive
Reading: Managing Side Effects with NgRx Effects
Reading: Simplifying CRUD Operations with NgRx Entity
Reading: Synchronizing State with Router Navigation using NgRx Router-Store
Reading: Best Practices for Structuring and Organizing Your NgRx Application
Reading: Course Recap and Continuing Your NgRx Learning Journey
Reading: Bonus Lesson – Debugging and Optimization Techniques for Your NgRx Application
Reading: Combine multiple observables using CombineLatest

Mastering NgRx: A Comprehensive Guide to State Management in Angular Applications


About this course

Course Description: This online course is designed to provide a thorough understanding of NgRx, a powerful state management library for Angular applications. Through hands-on exercises, in-depth explanations, and practical examples, you will master the concepts and techniques required to efficiently manage state in your Angular applications using NgRx.

Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to State Management and NgRx
    • Understanding state management in web applications
    • The role of NgRx in Angular applications
    • NgRx core concepts: Store, Actions, and Reducers
  2. Setting Up the Development Environment
    • Installing necessary tools and dependencies
    • Configuring an Angular application for NgRx
    • Creating a basic Angular application with NgRx
  3. Actions: Initiating State Changes
    • Creating and dispatching actions
    • Action types and payloads
    • Best practices for organizing actions
  4. Reducers: Modifying State
    • Understanding reducers and their role in state management
    • Creating and combining reducers
    • Implementing reducer logic for various action types
    • Handling complex state changes with reducer composition
  5. Store: Centralizing State Management
    • Introducing the NgRx Store
    • Selecting data from the store using selectors
    • Enhancing store performance with memoization
    • Understanding store lifecycle events
  6. Effects: Managing Side Effects and Async Operations
    • Introducing NgRx Effects
    • Using effects for handling side effects and async operations
    • Effect composition and cancellation
    • Managing error handling and retries with effects
  7. Entity: Simplifying CRUD Operations
    • NgRx Entity library overview
    • Creating and configuring Entity State
    • Using Entity selectors, adapters, and operators
    • Implementing CRUD operations with NgRx Entity
  8. Router Store: Syncing State with Router Navigation
    • Introducing NgRx Router Store
    • Integrating Router Store with an Angular application
    • Responding to router navigation actions
    • Selecting router state data
  9. Advanced NgRx Patterns and Techniques
    • State normalization and denormalization
    • Using facades to simplify store interaction
    • Implementing optimistic and pessimistic updates
    • Testing strategies for NgRx applications
  10. Real-World Project: Building an NgRx Application
  • Defining project requirements and specifications
  • Designing state architecture and data flow
  • Implementing features using NgRx best practices
  • Deploying and optimizing the application

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of NgRx and its various features, allowing you to effectively manage state in your Angular applications.


Intro 0/10

10 readings
Reading: Introduction to NgRx and State Management Concepts
Reading: NgRx Store: Creating a Store, Dispatching Actions, and Accessing Data
Reading: Actions and Reducers: Deep Dive
Reading: Managing Side Effects with NgRx Effects
Reading: Simplifying CRUD Operations with NgRx Entity
Reading: Synchronizing State with Router Navigation using NgRx Router-Store
Reading: Best Practices for Structuring and Organizing Your NgRx Application
Reading: Course Recap and Continuing Your NgRx Learning Journey
Reading: Bonus Lesson – Debugging and Optimization Techniques for Your NgRx Application
Reading: Combine multiple observables using CombineLatest


Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.

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Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.

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